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Therapeutic Approach

Trust, collaboration, and engagement are fundamental to my practice. You determine the speed, depth, and frequency of our work together; I am with you to help guide, support, and make suggestions along the way. I currently utilize the following evidence-based therapeutic modalities in sessions:



Mindfulness or intentionality is a skill that you may have practiced knowingly, maybe unknowingly. Maybe instead it feels foreign, uncomfortable or unattainable. Wherever you are, we can build upon that and the awareness of self and surroundings it can bring.



Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) focuses on the ways that we think and our behaviors. In my practice, I believe there is an important intersection of mindfulness, intentionality, and awareness with the things we think and do.



Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing is an approach that allows your brain to more naturally reprocess traumatic events as well as build resiliency for present and future stressors. It can allow clients to participate and achieve results without the need to go into great depths of vulnerability and detail with their therapist.

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